Practice FAQ


Q: Does my swimmer need to wear a swim cap to practice?

If you have hair longer than your ears, then YES, a swim cap is required for swim practice.


Q: Does my swimmer need to wear goggles at practice?

Goggles are optional, through recommended.  Better quality goggles (no foam seals, etc.) will work better.  Goggles may also be purchased in the Aquatics Office. 


Q: If my child misses practice can they still swim in the meet?

A: Yes, BUT to get the most out of your swimming experience, you need to make as many practices as possible! This is the way they better their strokes and times at meets.


Q: How do I contact the coaches?

A: NEVER interrupt a coach who is coaching on deck. They are responsible for the safety and progress of the swimmers in the water and any conversation with them on the deck detracts them from this duty. You may email them.  E-mail addresses for each of the coaches can be found on the Coaches page at the very top left of this website.


Q: Do swimmers practice stroke technqiue at practice?

Yes!!! Swimmers do A LOT of stroke technique at swim practice. The younger age groups do about 90% stroke technique. Drills (like catch-up freestyle) is part of stroke technqiue. Athletes in cabana only swim sprint distances, so endurance is less of a training concern in cabana.