What to do at a Swim Meet


1.  Check in

-- Swimmer Check in:

At every Swim Meet there will be a swimmer check in table.  Every swimmer must check in as soon as they arrive at the meet.  The sooner we get everyone checked in the better.  It is a good idea to have the parent write the event numbers on their swimmer’s hand.

-- Parent Volunteer check in:

Parents should check in with the volunteer coordinator to confirm their job assignment and get their badge.

2.  Set up stuff

Find a spot to set up your things.  At dual meets there usually are not designated team areas.   Please be courteous and try to preserve walkways and spots for others.  At the Champs meet there will be a designated team area.

3.  Warm-Up

There will be a coach on deck to supervise warm-up.  All swimmers MUST warm-up.  Swimmers may be pulled from relays if they do not warm-up with the team.  Warm-ups helps prevent injuries, allow swimmers to get used to the pool and water, and allow for the coaches to see that the swimmer is there.

4. Team Meeting & Cheer

All swimmers must be present for the team meeting and cheer before the meet.  The coaches will talk to the swimmers about the meet, what to expect, what they want to see happen at the meet, etc.  The team will do a team cheer before the meet begins to get pumped up and ready to go!

5.  Check in for your race

Keep an eye on the Event Board. This will tell you what race and heat is in the pool.  The Board will also tell you when to report to the clerk of the course for your race.  It is the swimmer’s responsibility to report to the clerk of the course in a timely manner as the swim meet will not wait for missing swimmers.

6.  After each race

Shake the hand of the swimmer in a lane next to you and/or tell them "good job".  Swimmers also need to ask the timer for his or her time. 

7. Talk to your coach

Swimmers need feedback to improve.  All swimmers, regardless of age, are expected to come talk to the coaches after each race.

8.    When you are all done...

Always check with the coaches before leaving a swim meet.   Relay assignments often change during a swim meet.  All swimmers should be prepared to swim in a relay if needed.  Please remember that swimming is a team sport.  All members of the team are expected, and needed, to step up if needed to fill a open spot or cheer on teammates in a close meet.